Creating a Belgian National Holocaust Research Infrastructure
The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) is a European research infrastructure that supports and promotes Holocaust research, commemoration and education on a transnational level.
EHRI-BE is the national node representing Belgium within this distributed research infrastructure. EHRI-BE is composed of different institutions located in Belgium with expertise in Holocaust documentation, research, commemoration and education at the different levels of the Belgian federal state.
Modern, democratic Europe developed out of the ashes of Auschwitz, making the Holocaust a defining legacy of European history. To fully grasp the depths of Europe’s darkest period, it is crucial that we continue to learn about, commemorate and research the Holocaust.
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EHRI Services
Below are some of the innovative services created by EHRI for use by all.

The EHRI portal offers access to information on Holocaust-related archival material held in institutions across Europe and beyond.

The EHRI document blog is a space to share ideas about Holocaust-related archival documents, and their presentation and interpretation using digital tools.

The EHRI Online Editions consist of annotated digitized documents from various sources gathered around a theme, and are a new way of presenting digital archival content. A new edition is published at irregular intervals.

The EHRI Geospatial Repository facilitates research driven by spatial and geographic approaches by providing access to data about Holocaust-related places and spaces.

The EHRI’s Knowledge Graph provides access to information in the EHRI Portal as Linked Open Data (LOD). You can browse different EHRI’s entities (e.g., country reports, archival institutions descriptions, archival descriptions, etc.) as linked data, and you can link to them from you own data.
EHRI-BE workshop 15th October 2024 It is our great pleasure to invite you to a follow-up workshop on Tuesday 15 October 2024 to discuss the creation of the Belgian node in the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure: EHRI-BE. Read More
Step 1 EHRI-ERIC Application On 13 July 2023, the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science submitted to the European Union the step 1 application for EHRI, the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure, to establish itself as an European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). Read More
EHRI Geospatial Repository Have you ever needed to build a map of ghettos or camps for your research project? Analyse distances between them or trajectories walked by prisoners? Share your datasets with others in a reusable way? The new EHRI Geospatial Repository aims to help researchers with these and similar challenges. Read More