Latest news and updates from EHRI-BE and its partners.
EHRI-BE workshop 15th October 2024 at Kazerne Dossin
It is our great pleasure to invite you to a follow-up workshop on Tuesday 15 October 2024 to discuss
the creation of the Belgian node in the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure: EHRI-BE.
Step 1 Application to Establish EHRI as an ERIC Submitted to the EU
On 13 July 2023, the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science submitted
to the European Union the step 1 application for EHRI, the European Holocaust
Research Infrastructure, to establish itself as an European Research
Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC).
EHRI Launches its Geospatial Repository
Have you ever needed to build a map of ghettos or camps for your research project? Analyse distances between them or trajectories walked by prisoners? Share your datasets with others in a reusable way?
The new EHRI Geospatial Repository aims to help researchers with these and similar challenges.